Friday 13 January 2012

Crux - Episode 2


At the Richards' house

The four inhabitants were sitting around the dining table for breakfast. Blake and Lewis had been up the earliest - the last to arrive for breakfast was Pearla. The layers of make-up to hide the dark shadows under her eyes were a little obvious.

"Urgh… my head." She squinted at the brightness in the room, needing a second to adjust,"Coffee… now…"

Oscar fetched her a mug. He watched in awe as Pearla downed the lot and shoved the empty mug back into his hands. Counting to ten and trying to push down his qualms of feeling more like a servant than a brother, Oscar dutifully carried the mug back into the kitchen. He went to refill it, but decided not to. Pearla may have a headache now, but she didn't need another one in an hour or so from caffeine withdrawals.


He sat back at the table.

"So, what happened last night?"  Oscar was eager to hear the juicy details.

But Pearla flat out ignored him. "Is there anything for breakfast? Or any more coffee?" She looked round the room, at everything but Oscar.


Oscar nearly decided on counting to ten again, but couldn't be bothered. He remanded himself that his sister was probably tired and likely hungover.  "Pearla, come on. What happened last night? Well, early this morning really, huh?"

"It’s none of your business." Pearla stated coldly.

You could almost see the vein on Oscar's head throbbing. "You woke me up." He said through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowed.


Pearla's face changed from apathetic to vicious in seconds.
"Aaw… grow a pair, Oscar. I’m sick of your whining." Her face dared for him to continue, to start something. A lot of the time that's what conversation was with Pearla - a twisted game.

Oscar backed down, only muttering "Bitch…" under his breath. Pearla inwardly chuckled to herself, only visible by the glint in he eye.


"Seriously, you need to lighten up." Her voice was laced with maliciousness, still trying to provoke him.
Oscar grabbed the newspaper and started turning pages, trying to find something to concentrate on. He didn't need an argument right now.

Pearla continued, "So… is there more coffee? Osc-"

She broke off, silent for a few seconds. The silence was so unusual that even Lewis and Blake turned to see what was happening. Pearla was frozen. She seemed transfixed by the newspaper.

Pearla snatched the newspaper from Oscar's hands, who was too intrigued by her sudden seriousness to complain.


Her head flicked form side to side as she quickly read through the article, her eyes growing darker as time went on.
"She wouldn't..." Pearla hissed.


Pearla slammed the paper down on the table. "I can’t believe it…" She sounded genuinely hurt.

Still a little suspicious that it might be an act, part of a wind-up, Oscar shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
"What?" He asked half-heartedly, knowing that Pearla expected someone to ask and would be sour if no-one did, "What happened?"
Something occurred to him.
"Is it to do with last night?"

Pearla's jaw clenched and she slid the newspaper over to Oscar. "See the picture for yourself…" She said, folding her arms.


The picture was a little damaging, to say the least. Oscar stared at it for a few seconds, and then back up at Pearla. A little voice in his head was telling him that someone was going to pay for this. Oscar just hoped it wouldn't end up being him.


"Is that... Tristina?" He asked weakly, a little afraid to say the name.

Pearla's glare was all the response he needed.

"What.. what happened exactly?" Oscar asked, looking back down at the picture.

"Well, it started like this." Pearla's movements were stiff, her mouth tight, "I'll warn you though, I was a little... drunk..." She winced at the memory and started her recount.

The Previous Night
At an exclusive bar in Covertine


Pearla stopped as she walked into the club, taking in the scene before her.

"What can I get you ma’am?" The bartender asked the lady at the counter.

"…I don’t think I’ve seen you around before…" The lady twirled her hair around a finger coyly.

Pearla's eyes narrowed, joined by a thin smile at her lips. Tristina. The wife of the most desirable man in town, and yet here she was, flirting with a barman.


"That’s a bit of a shame, don’t you think…?" Tristina continued, still oblivious to the fact that someone else was in the room at this ridiculous hour.

The barman obviously felt awkward.


Pearla felt this the best time to announce her presence. Clearly the bartender wasn't going to let anything juicy happen, but it didn't mean she couldn't still take advantage of the situation...
She cleared her throat as loudly as possible and sauntered over to the bar, next to Tristina.

"So, they really are just letting anyone in here these days." Pearla looked Tristina up and down, her feelings about Tristina's attire written all over her face.
She continued, "I’d say it’s nice to see you Tristina… but, heh. Where’s Mr Harp? Surely you haven’t come in here without him?" Pearla smiled a sickly sweet and very sarcastic smile.


Tristina breathed in deeply and took a step away From Pearla.
"I don’t think that’s any of your business." She fixed Pearla with a glare before turning away, "but look, I don’t have time to argue. I’m leaving."

Pearla chuckled, which caused Tristina to still.
"Well, waiter, I have a question." she raised her finger to the side of her lips innocently, tilting her head to one side in mock innocence, "why exactly is trash like this allowed in this establishment in the first place? I mean, I’d heard the quality of clientele has lowered… but seriously. Her?" Pearla looked down her nose at Tristina.


And unfortunately, Tristina took the bait.
"Excuse me?"

Pearla smiled gleefully, "Seems you’ve got some problems hearing. Maybe you should get it checked, have a little surgery to sort out your face at the same time." She gestured to Tristina's face, pursing her lips.


Tristina snorted in annoyance, her eyes flashing with anger.
"What is your problem?" She leaned back, smugness apparent on her face, "oh yeah, that’s right. I’m married to Blair Harp and you’re not. Well, newsflash, he’s not interested in you now and he never was!"

The mention of Blair seemed to press a nerve with Pearla.
"That’s not what he told me." Her eyes narrowed.

"Cat fight!" The barman giggled to himself as he watched the scene unfold.


"Well, you'd better get used to it, you’re old news now, princess!" Tristina fired back.

For Pearla, this no longer seemed a game. "Ooh, and you’d know all about being old news, wouldn’t you? Well, at least I’m not some low-life D-list celebrity, whose marriage is soooo solid that I spend my time in bars trying to pick up waiters." Pearla paused, her mean smile reappearing, "Blair know you’re here?" She sneered as Tristina's face fell, "Hah! Everyone knows he’d be happier with me."

"And is that why he chose me over you, huh? You obviously weren’t good enough for him!" Tristina spat back.


Pearla stepped forward, "RIGHT!" She slapped Tristina across the cheek.

Tristina reeled back a little, raising her hand to her face in shock.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She stared up at Pearla in disbelief, "And anyway, you being doing that just proves it. You're only mad because you know it's true."


Pearla leaped forward in rage and tackled Tristina to the ground, the barman looking on gleefully the entire time...


Pearla finished telling her misadventure about the night before. Lewis and Blake hadn't said anything, pretending that they weren't listening at all. There was a pause before Pearla continued.

"Like I said, I had a little too much to drink." She flicked a strand of hair over her shoulder, "But I don’t think I’ll be going back to that bar if they let in nobodies like her.

Oscar took a quick sip of coffee, trying to work out what to say. "Huh.. did they kick you out after that?"

Pearla only pursed her lips in response, looking away.


But soon enough, the mean glint in her eye reappeared.
"And I don’t know how that Julianna Heart got this photo for her precious little article.. but I’m going to find out." She smiled. The room suddenly seemed cold.


"And then I’m going to get even! I’m sure that ice Queen has more than a few secrets in her closet that she doesn't want aired in public..." Pearla was in deep thought about how to get even.


Lewis coughed a little, nervous.
"Uh.. Pearla, I mean, it was kind of mean for Julianna to write that article about you… but, uh, you were pretty mean to Tristina…" He trailed off, starting to wish he hadn't said anything when he saw the coolness of Pearla's features.

Oscar desperately tried to kick Lewis under the table to ensure he didn't say anything else, but only managed to kick Blake instead.


Pearla stood up loftily.

"You... you lot are just selfish brats." She turned to glare at the three men. "You have no idea what I’m going through. You don’t know what it’s like to have someone taken from you! I wouldn’t even expect you to understand!"
She was no longer talking about Julianna, but something that had happened a long time ago.


Oscar had had enough. He jumped out of his chair, thrusting it back under the table with such a force that his mug thudded to the floor, fortunately unbroken.

"Right." He pointed at Pearla, "I’ve had it. You know what? YOU’RE the selfish brat! I’m sick of you acting like you’re the only one whose ever lost something!"

Pearla stood there in shock for a second - in shock that anyone would actually speak to her like that, least of all her brother.


"Don't you dare speak like that to me! You should be out there now pleading my case, you know, not making up silly stories all the time to compete with me!" Pearla moved to go past Oscar.


But he stopped her.
"Can’t you even remember? Michaela. The name sound familiar at all?!" Oscar was furious.

"That girl? So? She went to our school. That was years ago, uh, time to stop living in the past here!" Pearla rolled her eyes, shaking her head at Oscar's behaviour.


"She was my GIRLFRIEND!" Oscar exploded, "and she disappeared, and nobody has even tried to help me find her!"

Pearla took a step back.
"Geez, calm down!"

There was silence for a while as Oscar got over his outburst. Pearla was still eying him up.


"I seriously don’t get you." She commented, her voice smooth, "that was years ago. Maybe it's time to move on?" Her fake concern simply sounded patronizing, as she added, "It seems like she definitely has."

Oscar grunted, "Move on? Yeah, like you can talk." His mouth twitched at the irony.


"I never expected you to understand..." He trailed off, almost calm until thinking about the situation made him mad again, "but I didn’t expect you to be so selfish. Or even forget."

Oscar sounded weak, defeated, as he spoke to Pearla, whose face was blank and unconcerned.


"I can’t move on…" Oscar whispered, half to himself, "I love her…"


He turned away, looking over his shoulder to Pearla, who for once had noting to say.
"Not that I’d expect you to understand that, either." He called back, "the only person you’ve ever loved is yourself.

At the Harp’s house


Pearla sighed contentedly as she leaned on her husband. The warm morning light shone through the large windows of their home.


Tristina sat up, stretching a little.
"Thanks for getting all those papers for me honey." She smiled sweetly at Blair, "I really couldn't stand anyone seeing whats in them."

Blair smiled back and the two leaned in for a kiss. 


"It was no problem babe. You know I'd do anything for you." He smiled smoothly at his wife, who just giggled happily in response. The two gazed at each for a second before Tristina's gaze faltered.


"You didn’t read the article, did you?" She asked, a note of warning in her voice.
Blair visibly cringed.


"I know you asked me not to…"

Tristina sat up straight.
"So you did!"

"Tris, it’s okay!" Blair tried to calm her down, "I know the fight was all Pearla. She enjoys putting people down. But…" He looked away.


Tristina hadn't calmed at all, and if anything Blair's words only riled her up more.
"What do you mean ‘but’?"

"What were you doing in that bar anyway?" Blair's eyes darkened.


Tristina giggled nervously.
"…honey, I was having a drink! Not exactly against the law." She grinned, but it was too wide, too desperate.


Blair sighed in frustration.
"I know you don’t drink, Tristina." He pointed out.

Tristina said nothing, unable to meet Blair's eyes.

"What were you doing there?" He probed again, his voice catching. Blair didn't want to know... but he had to. The feeling in his gut was telling him that he already knew why she was there anyway.


Tristina moved towards him, hoping to make amends.
"Honey, come on. Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal."

Blair shook his head, scooting away from Tristina.


"What do you mean?" Tristina was starting to feel nervous - Blair had never rejected her like this before.


Blair stood up and walked away. He started to say something but choked, starting again.
"You were meeting another man, weren’t you?" His eyes were hopeful that he'd thought wrong, that he'd made up the signs he'd seen in his head.

Avoiding the question, Tristina took a step towards Blair, "You're getting all worked up again…just calm down…"


Blair flipped around.
"How can I calm down?! You’re cheating on me, again, I just know it! And you tell me to calm down!" He didn't quite shout, but the anger was there in his voice.


"Yeah, well, you’d know all about cheating, wouldn’t you, Blair?" Tristina scowled.

Blair took a second to calm down. "I’ve never cheated on you, and you know that."


"What, so I have to believe you but you can’t believe me? And what about Pearla?" Tristina dangled the bait in front of Blair.

"Don’t bring her into this!" Blair warned, "I’m sick of going round and round in circles, arguing about the same old stuff! We’ve been over this before, and you know that I’m over her!!" He started yelling, "SO STOP BRINGING HER UP!"

The room was quiet aside from Blair's heavy breathing. Tristina stared at him, her eyes wet. Blair noticed and rushed towards her.


"Tristina? Tristina?" He spoke softly. It was obvious something was really wrong when she was quiet.


"I’m sorry I shouted, okay? But you know it’s you I love, not her" He tried to take her hand, "I promise."


Tristina withdrew her hand. "How am I meant to know that?" She smiled bitterly, "I bet that’s what you told her, huh? What you told her when you were going out with me behind her back!"

Blair deflated, "...of course not..."


"If you cheated on her with me, how do I know you’re not cheating on me with her? What am I meant to think, Blair?" She took another step back.


"You’re the one I chose." Blair once again tried to bridge the distance between them, "you share a house with me, you share my name, my life. I love you and you know that."

Tristina said nothing in response. She only tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.


Blair sighed.
"We’ve just… been over this so many times… Why can't you trust me?" He gazed at Tristina, his eyes pleading.


She only brushed past him.
"I’ll see you later Blair." Tristina said softly as she left.

In Covertine Town Center


There was a crackle of static as a radio blared into the quiet of the night.
 "Someone’s reported a suspicious figure hanging around Covertine High School. Can any units near the scene investigate."


"Alex Clark, over." The officer replied, "I’m patrolling near the scene, I’ll be there in a few minutes." He clipped the radio back onto his belt and started towards the school.


After a few minutes he neared the building, and the suspect was clearly visible.
"There’s the suspect…" Alex spoke to himself under his breath, turning his head and sweeping the area with his eyes. There was no-one else in sight.


"I miss her so much… I love her… I did… I love her…" The suspect wailed, sounding as if they were crying.


"Why did this have to happen!?"

Alex waited behind the suspect for a second, working out the best way to solve the situation. He didn't think he needed backup - the suspect only sounded upset. True, it might mean he could get angry and lash out, but Alex was pretty certain he could talk the man down.


Alex slowly approached the suspect, "This is police officer Clark. I need you to turn around."

The man just continued sobbing. Alex wondered if he'd been heard at all. But as he neared, he recognized who it was.


"Oscar? Oscar Richards? Is that you?" Alex called in surprise.

"Please… I just want to be left alone…" Oscar sniffed.


Alex ignored the request and moved closer. He wrinkled his nose at the pungent smell of alcohol and gently put an arm around Oscar.
"Come on, you can’t stay here." He said softly, "you need to sober up, uh, be alone... somewhere else." He patted Oscar's arm comfortingly.


Oscar pulled away, still not making eye contact. His words were slightly slurred.
"You don’t understand…"


Feeling a little concerned about the man's behavior, Alex just wanted to get him away from the school to calm him down properly.
"How about we talk about it back at your house, huh?" He suggested.


But it was as if Oscar hadn't even heard him.

"I still love her, you know…" He whispered, half talking to himself.


Suddenly he broke down, turning and flinging himself upon Alex.
"It wasn’t my fault! It wasn’t, I swear." He repeated adamantly, sobbing into Alex's shoulder.

Alex was shocked at the sudden turnaround.
"Okay, buddy. Sure it wasn’t. Now let’s get you home, okay?" He added under his breath, "I don’t want you passing out on me here." The smell of alcohol on Oscar's breath was even stronger


Gently taking Oscar's arm, Alex walked him in the direction of his house - it wasn't far.

"Come on, I’ll help you home. I think you need to sleep this off." Alex said gently.


From the shadows a person watched as the two walked away. Their gaze followed them until they disappeared from sight, and the figure slunk back into a dark alley.

To be continued...